Tag: Thailand

  • Carla Fuller at High School Number (1) assembly hall

    Carla taught English at Mae Ra Moe and resettlement classes too! Carla helps the Karen community in the Charlotte NC area of USA. In Mae Ra Moe she had the opportunity to visit with family & friends of her Karen friends in the US. Carla Fuller at High School Number (1) assembly hall in Mae…

  • Press (BBC Outlook)

    Interview with Su Baw, Co-Founder of Project KARE, with Outlook from the BBC World Service. BBC reporter, Ruxandra Guidi of FonografiaCollective, met Su Baw in Denver. To listen to the five minute interview, toggle to 17 minute mark (there are several other stories in this recording).

  • Classroom at Mae Ra Moe Refugee Camp

    Classroom at High School Number 1 at Mae Ra Moe Refugee Camp on the Thai/Burma border. Tattered desks, bamboo walls, leaf roof and dirt floors. Photo: Ron Levis, Project KARE, Nov. 2013

  • YouTube Playlist for Mae Ra Moe Refugee Camp

    Check out our videos from Mae Ra Moe Refugee Camp … scenes from camp, the morning market, boat trips, Karen music, interviews with education leaders and more. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIigyNlPcSK2yJepEnpalmyYjvn_NaWx3

  • Volunteer English teachers at Mae Ra Moe – May 2016

    Our friend Carla Fuller teaching at Mae Ra Moe Refugee Camp with her daughter, Megan, and friend, Lee Chaudoin. And as a bonus … Carla coordinated with Ally from Melbourne Australia and the awesome team at The Glass Den cafe to personally deliver school supplies on their behalf. Carla collected the Glass Den’s donations and…