Category: Support
Karen National Anthem at Mu Traw Jr. College, Kaw Thoo Lei
The Karen national anthem performed by the students of Mu Traw Jr College in Kaw Thoo Lei, Dec. 2024. Ever more powerful as we witness the most resilient students and people as they deflect challenges, surfacing stronger than ever. Karen National Anthem #karenpeople #educationforall #KawThooLei #ProjectKARE #Burma #mutrawjrcollege #MTJC
Will you help us buy school supplies for Karen students?
Merry Christmas and happy New Year! At this time of year we’re thinking especially of our Karen friends in Karen State in Myanmar. The Burma Army government continues to attack the Karen people in the southeast corner of Myanmar. With the threat of bombs always in mind, many of the students we serve are attending…
Su Baw, our cofounder, and family working the 2023 Project KARE Hockey-Golf Invitational
The 2023 Project KARE Hockey-Golf Invitational charity tournament was a smash hit last Saturday. Our amazing community of hockey friends filled the marathon day with lots of laughs, friendly competition, camaraderie and giving back. The KARE Golf-KARE Hockey group raised more than $4,000 to buy school supplies for Karen students in Karen State in Burma.…
School supplies arriving in Karen State in Burma – Jan. 2023
School supplies arriving in Karen State in Burma. Thank you to our incredible donors who enable eager students every year. In November, Project KARE funded US $35,000 for notebooks, pens, pencils, copy paper and sports equipment for thousands of students who are thrilled to have these basic necessities to continue to attend school. If you…
Thank you to all our amazing Project KARE donors!
Massive thank you to all our Project KARE donors who contributed to this delivery of US $35,000 in school supplies to students in Karen State in Burma. Your generous gifts made it possible to buy school supplies for thousands of students. Many children in rural Karen State do not have enough money to buy notebooks…