Category: Support
KARE Team in rural Karen State Classrooms
Our Project KARE Team is thinking about the thousands of students in Karen State who we serve. We’ve been very relieved to learn that COVID has not reached Karen State! Isolation has few benefits, but during the Coronavirus era this is a blessing! However, due to current travel restrictions, we will not be able to…
KARE Mission Accomplished!
Mission accomplished! Thanks to all of your help we delivered 10 heaping truckloads of school supplies to dozens of schools supporting thousands of Karen students across multiple districts in Karen State in Myanmar! That’s more than double last year’s effort! Pictured here is the Project KARE school supplies distribution center in Mu Traw district. There…
Project KARE Giving Tuesday is Almost Here
And our 2020 KARE Trip is Just Around the Corner! In January, our Project KARE Team will return to Karen State in Myanmar to deliver school supplies to thousands of enthusiastic students on the Thai/Burma border. This year we will return to rural Karen villages to support more than a dozen schools in rural Burma.…
KARE Wash Success!
Our KAREWash was a huge success! Project KARE raised more than $2,600 on Saturday washing cars and selling Thai tea, Karen food, Project KARE T-shirts and more. Many thanks to all our patrons and supporters of Project KARE! Many thanks to Hotchkiss Auto Repair for generously offering their busy, and perfectly located, parking lot and…
Car Wash for a Cause
A clean car is a happy car! 🚗 Come visit the Project KARE team at Hotchiss Auto Repair in Denver, Colorado on Saturday, September 21 between 9:00am and 3:00pm and leave with a squeaky clean car! We will also have delicious food, drinks and Project KARE merchandise for sale. Car Wash Donation:-Car- $10-Midsize truck- $15-Large…