Will you help us buy school supplies for Karen students?

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

At this time of year we’re thinking especially of our Karen friends in Karen State in Myanmar. The Burma Army government continues to attack the Karen people in the southeast corner of Myanmar. With the threat of bombs always in mind, many of the students we serve are attending school in the jungle or other safe places away from their regular schools. It’s truly inspirational that the students and educational leaders are so fully committed to education! Together, we reach these students with essential school supplies and our support makes their continued educational possible.

Can you help us buy school supplies for Karen people in Karen State in Burma? Your gifts help us buy basic supplies that are crucial to Karen students. Your donations fund the purchase of notebooks, pens, pencils, copy paper, sports equipment, white boards, and much more! Your gifts make it possible for many students in Karen State simply to attend school. Our funding provides supplies for more than 3,000 students in dozens of schools across rural Karen State in Burma / Myanmar. If you are able to provide support, here are the links to donate to Project KARE via PayPal or Venmo or check … https://projectkare.org/donate/blog/

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. You’re welcome to reach out to Su Baw, Ron or Michaely directly or you can send a message to our Project KARE cofounders here – projectkare.org/contact-us

In November this year we donated US $10,000 to fund school supplies for Brigade 6 area in Karen State and in December we provided US $25,000 funding for school supplies for 3,000+ students in Mu Traw district in Brigade 5 area. We hope to reach the same or even increase our funding for school supplies in the new year. Every gift helps!

Winners of the 2020 Project KARE Student Photography Contest

Karen students with new pencils and notebooks provided by Project KARE and all the donors who make this possible.

#KarenPeople #KarenState #EducationForAll #Burma



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